Introduction and Purpose

World recreation Educational Association

· Exchange traditional games and recreation between countries in order to contribute to solving cultural conflicts, enhancing friendships, and bringing world peace
· Train highly capable leaders to spread appropriate and healthy recreation activities throughout the world
· Popularize recreation throughout the world and make it part of everyday life in order to improve their quality of life, maintain healthy and pursue happiness
· Foster competent global leaders in recreation education, create jobs, and contribute to the leisure sports and recreation industry

Main Vision and Purpose

▶ Establish appropriate leisure values, and create a healthy and bright games and recreation culture for people worldwide;
▶ Cultivate good personalities, social adaptability, healthy emotional well-being, and enhance psychological stability through holistic education to create well-rounded individuals
▶ Popularize recreation throughout the world and make it part of everyone’s life in order to improve their quality of life, maintain health and pursue happiness
▶ Publish research books or display research works on the Internet for healthy recreational activities and leisure sports
▶ Train excellent leaders to spread appropriate and healthy recreational activities throughout the world
▶ Exchange traditional games and recreation between countries in order to contribute to solving cultural conflicts, enhancing friendships, and bringing world peace
▶ Conference or Congress Host including Performances, Contests, and Fair Related to Recreation by World, Continent, and Country
▶ Create a website to share information in one place on worldwide recreation. Education for leaders will be provided through educational organizations (i.e., the appropriate department(s) of those universities or the life long learning institutes of the universities), and/or educational businesses or other related business entities which have cyber (on-line) training centers.This shall be carried out by executing s reciprocal arrangement with an organization concerned. Education for leaders may be carried out by using diverse methods including, without limitation, on-side training.
▶ The WREA will host all activities to be conducted pursuant to the purpose described in this Article Ⅳ of the Bylaws. All education rights to on-site training, cyber education and creating educational content will be held by the World Recreation Educational Center (WREC) which has concluded a cooperation agreement with the WREA.
▶ Maintain a system of mutual development and cooperation by forming sister organization relations with world prominent organizations relating to the fields where the Association engages
▶ Develop tools and educational programs for leisure sports and leisure activities, healthy life and laughter, modern plays and games of each country, traditional plays and games of each country, entertainment culture and hobbies, leadership education, leisure and recreation industry, marketing, and creating jobs, social welfare and children’s recreation, rest, relaxation and tourism, or recreation-related fields, create jobs in the industry and contribute to the growth of the national and global economy

Introduction and activities of the WREA
Business Project for Recreational Education

Ⅰ. Introduction and purpose of the WREA

1. Introduction of the WREA

The name of this organization shall be the world Recreation Educational association(WREA). The WREA was established as the korea life recreation association in 1989. The association was organized under the name of the World Recreation Exchange Committee in 2004 in seoul, and was renamed the world recreation Educational association in 2006. The WREA is a non-profit organization incorporated on the basis of World recreation Educational assciation.


2. Regional structure of the wrea


3. Committee and commission of the wrea

4. Board of governors of the WREA

5. mission and purpose of the wrea

1) Consolidate proper leisure values and create a healthy and bright games and recreation culture for people worldwide;
2) bring psychological stability through holistic education to create a well-rounded people;
3) Popularize recreation in the world and make it part of every life in order to improve their quality of life, maintain health and pursue happiness;
4) Publish texbooks and bulletins as well as develop programs or display research work on the internet for healthy recreation activities and leisure sports;
5) Train excellent leaders to spread appropriate and healthy recreation activities throughout the world;


6) Exchange traditional games and recreation between countries in order to contribute to solving cultural conflicts, enhancing friendships, and bringing world peace;
7) Hold leisure leadership, recreation and laughter leadership contests as well as international congresses for the development of world recreation;
8) Create a web site to share in one place information on world recreation and open a cyber(on-line) training center in order to educate leaders worldwide;
9) Maintain a system of cooperation by forming sister relations with world prominent organizations and related groups; and
10) Develop tools and educational programs for leisure, games, recreation and leisure sports to create jobs in the industry and contribute to the growth of the national and global economy.

Ⅱ. Photos and VOD for summary of mission activities
   World recreation educational association(WREA)

MOU signing ceremony with Yanbian university, china


WREA president participating in the ICHPER.SD World congress(cairo)


Pose with the president and the general secretary of world leisure


Establishment ceremony of the wrea china chapter (beijing normal university zhuhai)


Appointment ceremony for the WREA honorary president and chief of committees


Awards appreciation plaque to former prime Minister
Un-chang chung and former minister of national defense tae-young kim.


WREA president Young-kee appointed as an international Adviser of the dalian city hiking association, china.


Establishment ceremony of the WREA vietnam
Chapter and MOU ceremony(hochimin University of sports)


Establishment ceremony of the WREA thailand chapter
(North Bangkok University) and souvenir Exchange


Souvenir exchange and Awards WREA appointment
Certificate to tian Ye, the chief of the china institute of sport Science


Establishment ceremony of the india chapter, the president of india chapter, professor behera(amravati university)


Establishment ceremony of the US chapter, the president of the north America and caribbean chapter, professor lamke(san deigo state university)


President zhongbingshu party secretary Li hong jiang of beijing capital university of physical education and sports where the MOU was signed with the WREA


MOU signing ceremony between the WREA and the Russian state university of Physical Education, sports, youth and tourism, president Bleer at 95th anniversary of the university


Ceremony for president of Russia chapter(seoul, Korea)


President of the north america and caribbean chapter, professor lamke(seoul, Korea)


Participating confernce of the russian state university of physical education, sports, youth, and tourism(moscow, russia)


Delegation of capital university of physical education and sports in beijing, including Li hong jiang, party secretary and WREA international Adviser visits to the WREA


Appointment of the president of the WREA Austria chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA saudi Arabia chapter


Appointment of president of Pakistan chapter and signing Educational Project


Attending the World Leisure congress, WREA promotional Booth in mobile, Alabama(USA)


Minister of ministry of strategy and Finance, park jae wan’s special lecture for leadership quality in the WREA


Appointment Ceremony of the japan chapter president


Contract ceremony for educational Training projects for recreation Related Matters between the WREA and brazil


China Cuangxi Visit, Discussion for mutural cooperation


The WREA Delegation Inspects the 2015 WREA World Congress Venue-Beijing and Chengde


2015 WREA Congress & Beijing Forum


Appointment of the president of the WREA canada chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA Malaysia Chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA Australia Chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA Macau Chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA Indonesia Chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA Taiwan Chapter


Appointment of the president of the WREA singapore Chapter



International Activities and international Recreation Exchanges of the WREA

Ⅲ. Business project for Recreational Education
(Training Courses to acquire the WREA Qualification Certificate)

Host : WREA (World Recreation Educational Association)
Organizer : WREC (World Recreation Educational

*According to Mutual Agreement Between the WREA and WREC.Co. since 2007

1. Educational Direction of Recreation(campaign)
1) The popularization of recreation and making recreation part of everyone’s life

recreation education teaches qualities that everyone requires such as self-development, personal health maintenance, improvement of the quality of life, cultivating healthy emotions, and the pursuit of happiness.


2) specailization of recreation in order to use its qualities for work or studies

Recreation’s qualities, that is developing potential, improving public speaking skills, boosting confidence, enhancing leadership, exercising humor and laughter, improving interpersonal relations, and improving social adaptability, may all be used for work or studies and contribute to improving the working ability to become experts in their fields

2. The role of recreation and its importance


3. Educating Recreation Leaders









Ⅳ. Ways for international Recreation Exchange

1. Hold international academic confernces and presentations for realistic acdemic exchanges

1) Instead of purely academic exchanges, introduce actual cases that are applicable to the recreation industry and hold exhibitions
2) Pursue qualitative improvements of studies and present development and research directions at the national level.


2. Establish offices within each country and bulid networks and an overseeing organization for the vitalization of global recreation

1) Mutually cooperate with the world’s best associations and groups to draw up strategies for mutual development
2) Each country should have prominent people interested in agreeing with the WREA goals to appoing them as president, experts and advisory professors.
3) Establish offices within each country to approve recreation education businesses in the countries.


3. Vitalize online education.

1) To enable immediate viewing at once information regarding the world’s recreation build a web site, develop contents of the world’s leisure sports and recreation materials and supply them. This will save the cost of mutual visit exchanges and make it easy to obtain information (the WREA web site currently has information on traditional dances, games, and publications of about 50 countries and we ask for your coopertaion to consolidate more materials from more countries).
2) Build internet content to foster leisure and recreation leadership
3) The development of the IT industry, content production and good internet speed are necessary for the vitalization of internet education, but the IT industry in each country is rapidly growing that we are confident more countries will soon turn to hiph-speed internet education, as we plan to expand DVD education.
4) Online education has the advantage of allowing repeated studying anywhere, anytime and more are showing a prefernance this thye of education.

4. Exchanges of each country’s traditional games, dances and  modernized recreation

1)Exchanges of each country’s traditional games, dances and recreation, contribute to mutual understanding and respect and towards solving national and socio-cultural conflicts such as religious, polical, and racal conflicts.
2)Through recreation exchanges, share love and friendship, communicate and resolve conflicts to advance together.
3)Turn sorrow and pain into joy and hope to contribute to mutual understanding and friendships between countries and the world’s people and further, contribute to world peace and the prevention of regional conflicts and wars.


5. Create jobs in the industry and contribute to the growth of the national and global economy

1) Foster competent global leaders in recreation education
Foster authentic global leaders in leisure sports and recreation in each country for the spread of healthy leisure sports and recreation to impreve work capability and the personal quality of life, and to further create a healthy and bright social culture.
To foster professional and competent leaders, launch evaluation committees in each country to educate and evaluate professionals and sholars in the related fields. The WREA Headquarters will issue certificates upon final evaluation
2) Non-profit organizations should provide good ideas for program deveopment with excellent professionals and contribute to the leisure sports and recreation industries by a mutually win-win strategy cooperating with profit-making educational associations with a record of excellent business accomplishments, finance, and business management. Thus, non-profit and profit-making organizations can contribute to economic development and job creation, and continuously arrange for financial funds to reach the main goals of recreational cativities and leisure sports.

3) Develop tools and educational programs for leisure, games, recreation and leisure sports to create jobs in the industry and contribute to the growth of the national and global economy.