Russia Chapter News
2015.01.07 18:30
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Journal_WREA.pdf (95.6K)

Russia Chapter News
Recreation, Fitness, Tourism: Education, Theory and Practice
Journal founders
World Recreation Educational Association (WREA)
Russian StateUniversity of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE),
Editorial boarder
Editor in Chief
Dr. YOUNG KEE LEE : President of World Recreation Educational Association (Seoul Special City, South Korea).
Professor BLEER ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH: EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, Rector of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE)” (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Senior Editor
Professor GONIYANTS STEPAN : PhD in pedagogical science, Head of Departure “Methodology of complex types of physical culture”, Vice-president of WREA (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Science Editor
Docent Сиднева Лариса Валентиновна: PhD in pedagogical science, Internationally Certified Judge of Aerobic (Moscow, Russian Federation)
International Scientific Advisory Council
Council chair
OGANOV RAFAEL: member of Russian Academy of Medical Science
Members of Council
Professor Булатова Мария Михайловна: EdD, Merited Scientist and Technologist of Ukraine, Pro-rector of NationalUniversity of Physical Culture and Sport of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Professor ЕВСЕЕВ СЕРГЕЙ ПЕТРОВИЧ: EdD, Head of Department of Science and Education of Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation
Professor ЗАКИРЬЯНОВ КАЙРАТ КАЙРУЛЛИНОВИЧ: EdD, President of the KazachAcademy of Sport and Tourism (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Professor Yong Jin Yoon, Doctor of Science (Department of Leisure Sports of YonseiUniversity, Seoul Special City, South Korea)
Professor КОСИЧЕНКО Григорий Павлович: : PhD in pedagogical science, Rector of Belarusian State University of Physical Culture (Minsk, the Republic of Belarus)
Professor МОНОЛАКИ ВЯЧЕСЛАВ, EdD: Rector of the National University of Sport and Physical Education of Moldova (Kishinev, the Republic of Moldova)
Professor PEREDELSKY ALEXY ANATOLIEVICH, EвD: Pro-rector of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Work (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor РОЖКОВ ПАВЕЛ АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ: Doctor of Science, Economics, Senior vice-president of Russian Paralympic Committee(Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor СОЗАНСКИЙ ГЕНРИК: Doctor of Science, Rector of Academy of Physical Education (Warsaw, Poland)
Professor СТРАДЗЕ АЛЕКСАНДР ЭДУАРДОВИЧ: Doctor of Social Science, Head of State Policy Department for Education of Children and Youth in Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor ТОКАРСКИЙ ВАЛЬТЕР, Rector of GermanSportUniversityCologne (Cologne, Germany)
Professor SPILKO SERGEI, PhD in economics: Chairman of the Moscow Committee for Tourism and the Hotel Industry, President of Russian Union of Travel Industry (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor ЯН ХУА, President of BeijingSportUniversity (Beijing, China)
Editorial board
Professor АНАНЬЕВА ТАТЬЯНА НИКОЛАЕВНА, Doctor of Social Science, Pro-rector of RussianStateUniversity of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor БЫХОВСКАЯ ИРИНА МАРКОВНА, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of Department of Cultural Studies, Sociocultural Anthropology and Social Communications (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
ГОРБУНОВ АЛЕКСАНДР ПАВЛОВИЧ, member of Academy of Psychological Science, Rector of Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation)
Docent KOMOVA ELENA VIKTOROVNA, PhD in Pedagogy, head of the Department of foreign languages
Professor КРУЖАЛИН ВИКТОР ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ, Doctor of Geographical Science, vice president of Russian International Academy of Tourism, Head of the Institute of Integrative Studies in Education MSU (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor МАТЫЦИН ОЛЕГ ВАСИЛЬЕВИЧ, EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, President of Russian Student Sports Union,(Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor МЕЛЬНИКОВА НАТАЛЬЯ ЮРЬЕВНА, PhD in Pedagogy, head of the Department of History of Physical Culture, Sport and Olympic Education (SCOLIPE), President of Central Olympic Academy (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor NEVERKOVICH SERGEI DMITRIEVICH, EdD, member of RussianAcademy of Education, head of the Department of Pedagogy (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federaation)
Docent PANOV SERGEI NIKOLAEVICH, PhD in Engineering Science, Vice President of Sports Tourism Federation of Russia (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor СЕЙРАНОВ СЕРГЕЙ ГЕРМАНОВИЧ, EdD, member of Russian Academy of Education, Rector of Moscow State Academy of Physical Education (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Professor Se Hyuk Park, Doctor of Science, Sports Science Department, SeoulNationalUniversity of Science and Technology (Seoul Special City, South Korea)
Professor ТАЙМАЗОВ ВЛАДИМИР АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ, EdD, Rector of National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health n.a. P.F. Lesgaft (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Professor Chae Hee Park, Doctor of Science, Department of Physical Education and human services, Korea National Sport University (Seoul Special City, South Korea)
Executive Secretary
DUBININ ALEXANDER SERGEEVICH, head of laboratory (SCOLIPE) (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Specialties & topics
Journal “Recreation, Fitness and Tourism: Education, theory and practice” publishes original studies into theory, experiments and applications of recreation, fitness and tourism (RF&T)on following topics:
Recurrent professional education in the field of RF&T;
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the RF&T development;
Formation of healthy lifestyle and public health;
Management and marketing in the field of RF&T;
Recreational activity of various demographic groups;
RF&T as a part of the Adaptive Physical Education and Paralympic sports;
Olympic heritage in the field of RF&T;
Social factors and cultural ideas in the field of RF&T;
Biomedical aspects of RF&T;
Psychological and educational technologies in the fields of RF&T;
Further education in the field of RF&T;
State-of-the-art fitness equipment and technical devices in the field of RF&T;
Dear Authors!
“Recreation, Fitness, and Tourism: Education, Theory and Practice” Journal publishes papers containing the scientific and methodological matter in the areas of recreation, fitness and tourism.
The Journal editorial board welcomes original articles that conform with following requirements.
Requirements specifications
- The article must be kept within 4 - 10 pages of text length;
- Margins are 2 cm on the sides, on the top and on the bottom;
- Text in Times New Roman 14 – point;
- The main title is in italics, regular type of the article text;
- Figures should be two types: Figures (made by MS Excel) are cited sequentially in the text; and tabular material (made by MS Word/Excel) must be supplied separately;
-Illustrations should be converted to jpg, tiff, psd.
Requirements for article:
The article includes:
1. Main title;
2. The Author(s) information:
- Author(s) Name(s);
- Academic rank
- Author(s) Affiliation(s) (departments, institutions and locations);
- E-mail, address, phone number.
3. Keywords: 2-3 lines of text.
4. Abstract of no more than 300 words must be in Russian and English and provides information under the following sections: background for the study, methods and the main findings.
5. Main text must include the background for the study, study’ objectives, methods, including section of study subjects, discussion and references.
6. References must be ordered alphabetically; references in Russian are cited before references in foreign languages. All references must be dubbed into English.
Supplemental data
1. Author must provide the article certified referee report.
2. The Author’s picture should be supplied in jpg, tiff, psd.
Fee is not provided.
The procedure of scientific articles review
1. All manuscripts undergo rigorous compulsory peer review by the editorial board of the Journal.
2. The Editor in Chief determines whether the article corresponds to the Journal’s profile. Then, the article is sent for a peer review to a member of the editorial board or an external scientist with a similar to the article’s topic scientific specialization. Degree of the external scientist is a level higher than the Candidate of Science or equivalent.
3. The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts transferred to them, are intellectual property of the authors and relate to the data which are not a subject of disclosure. The review process is conducted anonymously.
2. The Editor in Chief determines whether the article corresponds to the Journal’s profile. Then, the article is sent for a peer review to a member of the editorial board or an external scientist with a similar to the article’s topic scientific specialization. Degree of the external scientist is a level higher than the Candidate of Science or equivalent.
3. The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts transferred to them, are intellectual property of the authors and relate to the data which are not a subject of disclosure. The review process is conducted anonymously.
4. Time taken to review is determined by the Editor in Chief. The maximal term of the peer review is two months from date of receipt. The Author is immediately notified of the reception by e-mail.
5. The following points should be included in a referee report:
a) Whether the content of the article is corresponded to the title,
b) Whether the article has the academic novelty,
c) Description of the positive and negative aspects of the article.
The final section of the referee report should include recommendations whether the article should be published as is, or the author should do revisions, or the article should be rejected outright.
6. If the referee report has any recommendations to correct and revise the paper, the remarks made by the reviewer will be forwarded to the authors to consider them in the course of drafting the further version of the manuscript or to provide a substantiated refutation of the reviewer’s arguments. The revised paper is addressed for another review.
7. If the reviewer does not recommend a paper for publication, the Editorial board can forward paper to the author for the revision of the manuscript or be addressed to another reviewer. A negative opinion is forwarded to the author by e- mail.
8. Manuscripts received contradictory reviews should be forwarded to an additional reviewing.
9. The final responsibility for decisions of acceptance or rejection of a submitted manuscript lies with the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Editor.
10. After the article is accepted for publication, the executive Secretary of the editorial staff contacts and inform the Author via e-mail within 3 days. Upon the request of the Author inquiry can be sent.
11. Origins of the referee reports are kept in the editorial office for 3 years.
5. The following points should be included in a referee report:
a) Whether the content of the article is corresponded to the title,
b) Whether the article has the academic novelty,
c) Description of the positive and negative aspects of the article.
The final section of the referee report should include recommendations whether the article should be published as is, or the author should do revisions, or the article should be rejected outright.
6. If the referee report has any recommendations to correct and revise the paper, the remarks made by the reviewer will be forwarded to the authors to consider them in the course of drafting the further version of the manuscript or to provide a substantiated refutation of the reviewer’s arguments. The revised paper is addressed for another review.
7. If the reviewer does not recommend a paper for publication, the Editorial board can forward paper to the author for the revision of the manuscript or be addressed to another reviewer. A negative opinion is forwarded to the author by e- mail.
8. Manuscripts received contradictory reviews should be forwarded to an additional reviewing.
9. The final responsibility for decisions of acceptance or rejection of a submitted manuscript lies with the Editor-in-Chief and Chief Editor.
10. After the article is accepted for publication, the executive Secretary of the editorial staff contacts and inform the Author via e-mail within 3 days. Upon the request of the Author inquiry can be sent.
11. Origins of the referee reports are kept in the editorial office for 3 years.
Attention to the Authors
Editorial office: 105122, Moscow, Syrenevii bulvar 4, RSUPESY&T, Departure “Methodology of complex types of physical culture”, offices 415, 416.